This course is an industry led and designed course that delves into the world of one of the most engaging and exciting industries currently available- Esports. The skills and knowledge you will learn span from understanding how a broadcast is set up in esports, to learning how events are run and managed,giving you digital and transferable skills that will help no matter the career you end up in.What will I learn about?Learning about the esports industry is more than just gaming and it is not just about becoming a professional esports player; this is a course that gives you a range of skills required to be part of a rapidly growing industry that includes many different pathways into the industry. You will learn all about areas such as branding and marketing, legal and ethical considerations in esports, even how to critically evaluate UX design, there are many very employable skills to learn and develop during your time with us.The future of esportsWith ongoing digitalisation, technological advancements, and growing audiences, figures of the gaming industry as a whole, between December 2021 and April 2023, showed the UK’s video game industry contributed 3.68 billion British pounds to the UK’s GDP, which is the highest recorded figure since 2011. In 2023, the UK’s video game market was valued at £7.82 billion, a 4.4% increase from 2022. How big is the industry?The esports market in the UK is growing, with more tournaments, teams, and dedicated arenas. The esports market can be broken down into six segments, including sponsorship, advertising, merchandise, ticketing, streaming, media rights, and publisher fees. Esports betting is the largest segment of the esports market, with a market volume of $172.3 million in 2024.
Five GCSEs at grade 4 or above, including English Language.
This course includes a mix of practical and theory units that will not only develop your practical and analytical skills in coaching, shoutcasting, and video production but will also look at the fundamental industry needs of content creation and event management. All of this is underpinned by key theoretical understanding, along with health and wellbeing and business enterprise awareness.You will bring all of this knowledge together in a project that you will have creative control over, giving you the opportunity to explore the area of industry that you would like to progress into.
How do we support students?We have excellent links with industry specialists and are the only UK colleges with an education partnership with Vulpine Esports, a grassroots organisation that is dedicated to supporting young people with experience in the industry. For progression we have varied routes to HE as well as offering career advice on next steps through the college.Alongside this course, students have the opportunity, through varying ways to enter leagues and tournaments with support for the College and Vulpine a part of their professional development.
You will produce a range of projects over this two year course, all of which are assessed by coursework. You will complete a number of formative units where you will be given feedback and then, at the end of each year, a final major project that will determine your grade.
The UAL Extended Diploma in Creative Media Production and Technology - Esports gives students the ability to experience different subject pathways within the course, allowing them to find their speciality as they progress. This course is recognised as an excellent pathway to progress onto Higher Education and into the workplace. We have partnership links with the Universities of Portsmouth and Chichester. There are many different opportunities within the Esports industry. Here are just a few:• Professional player• Shoutcaster/host• Coach/analyst• Journalist/content creator• PR/Marketing executive• Product manager• Sales/partnerships manager• Admin/referee• Organisation owner/manager• Community/social media manager• Broadcast/production crew• Event manager• Agent• Other roles (statistician, lawyer, finance, support etc)• Other gaming careers (developers, publishers, distribution etc)