The aims and objectives of the course is to enable you to develop fluent knowledge, skills and understanding of mathematical methods and concepts. Acquire, select and apply mathematical techniques to solve problems. Reason mathematically, make deductions and inferences and draw conclusions. Comprehend, interpret and communicate mathematical information in a variety of forms appropriate to the information and context.
A grade 3 in GCSE Mathematics is usually required but initial assessment opportunities are available for students without a grade 3 in GCSE Mathematics. This will take place at Enrolment.
On this course you will study:• Statistics and number• Fractions• Decimals• Percentages• Measures• Time• Money• Averages• Interpreting and representing data• Averages and range• Ratio and proportion• Number and algebra• Algebra• Fractions• Decimals• Equations• Inequalities• Indices and formulae• Sequences• Proof• Co-ordinates and linear graphs• Geometry• Angles• Measurement• Triangles• Constructions • Loci• Equations• Formulae and proof• Quadrilaterals and other polygons• Units and scale• Perimeter• Area and volume• Reflection• Translation and rotation• Circles and cylinders• Quadratic graphs• Pythagoras’ theorem
GCSE Mathematics is classroom taught with no coursework working towards final exams. Content is primarily presented using specifically designed workbooks for the course, with the content itself being led from the front by the teacher using resources that are made available to you through Google Classroom. You will be periodically assessed throughout the year with small in-class assessments, but one major mock assessment will take place in the new year to make sure you are fully up to date with all the procedures of an exam at HSDC and that your revision is fully supported. This is a revision course, so it is primarily going to be about you practising the content as much as possible, whilst receiving support and guidance. Revision opportunities will be provided at the end of the year, in class and in separate sessions.
GCSE Mathematics will be assessed through three equally-weighted written examination papers at either Foundation Tier or Higher Tier. Paper 1 is the only non-calculator paper. Calculator assisted assessment has been increased from 50% to 66.6% from the old GCSE.
Grade 4 in GCSE Mathematics is a minimum requirement for some degree courses and for many jobs and training courses.