Welcome to Sociology! We hope that you enjoy completing some of the Getting Ahead activities from the options provided and we look forward to meeting you in September.
Did you know? Sociology can lead to a wide range of occupations, including jobs working in education, social work, welfare services, the police and criminal justice system, journalism and market research!
Sociologists are interested in how cultures develop and change over time. ‘Culture’ can be defined as the ‘shared way of life of a particular group and is made up of norms and values’. Norms are the ‘unwritten rules of behaviour for a particular social situation’, such as offering someone a cup of tea when they are upset. Values are ‘beliefs that are seen as important and worthwhile in a particular society’, such as achieving educational qualifications. Sociologists study how these norms and values (i.e. cultures) can shift. A recent example of this would be the cultural shift that occurred during the covid pandemic.