Get ahead, ready to start your Digital T Level in Digital Production, Design & Development. The focus of this course is software design and development, learning through collaborative projects using Agile methodologies to develop your problem solving and programming skills in Python. These activities and areas of research will help keep your programming and problem-solving skills sharp ready for starting your course in September.
Did you know? Alexa and Siri are always listening to your conversations. They store your dialogue history in the cloud to improve your experience.
Finding a security bug in Facebook’s code will pay off. Facebook pays a minimum of $500 for reporting any vulnerability in their security.
A good introduction to Git and Github:
Sign up for Github, create a repository and practise committing and tracking, then look at other Github accounts and see how you could contribute pull requests.
Use the links below to create a 500-word report predicting the top five artificial intelligence developments for 2025. Consider the benefits, drawbacks, social impact and ethics of each application.
Watch the following videos: