Are you studying Health & Social Care NCFE CACHE Level 1 Diploma, CACHE Level 2 Extended Diploma or Level 3 Cambridge Technical Extended Diploma? If so, you’re in the right place!
Welcome to Health and Social Care. We are looking forward to meeting you when you start your course. Below is an activity to prepare you for study at College and some links to interesting video clips and reading material.
Design your own game or activity to undertake with residents at a local care home.
You must be able to enjoy studying and caring for all age groups to choose to study Health and Social Care. Therefore, we would like you to provide a plan for a creative therapeutic game or activity for residents at a local care home before starting this course. This will identify what you like and what interests you have!
Design your own tabletop activity/game that you can undertake with a group of four or five residents in a local care home. You need to design an activity/game that can be completed in half an hour, on a table, and you need to include:
We would like you to write a 200-300 word explanation of why you have chosen this activity/game. Communicate your thoughts and ideas as best you can.
Complete the Health and Social Care study skills booklet to help you to develop skills that will be needed when you start your course.
*This is a representation of your learning space and may not be the exact room you will be using